News about cuban tourism

Melia Cuba: on the reopening of its hotels.

Melia Cuba: on the reopening of its hotels.
Gabriel Escarrer, Executive Vice President and CEO of Meliá Hotels International, has spoken about the return of the famous Spanish chain to reopening to tourism.

“After more than two months of global confinement (…) we finally have a glimpse of a close return to hotel activity. A return that, we know, will not be quick or easy for the tourism sector, but to which we must contribute with all our strength, "Escarrer wrote on

The CEO of Meliá also spoke about the path they were opening up to be part of the recovery of tourism in Spain, and everywhere, where Meliá has hotels, including Cuba.

“During this crisis we have been together with our stakeholders to chart a collaborative way out, especially looking after our people and our talent (…) we have worked intensively to“ reset ”and be able to leave more excellent and competitive, to resist in the new and complex environment. But the reopening of our hotels does not mean a simple return to work, "said the executive.

According to Escarrer since Meliá had to close in Spain, after March 26, and then gradually in the rest of the places, they knew that there would be a return, but that this would be different.

“We knew that the world would travel again, but it would do it differently, and at Meliá Hotels International we wanted to anticipate this transformation. The premises of "safe travel" and "sanitary confidence" have transformed the world of travel, but after several months of harsh closure, our clients expect more than just a disinfected and safe hotel, "said the CEO.

What do customers expect, according to Meliá? Well, they hope to enjoy, more than ever, their experience.

“To combine experience and safety, we have redesigned our spaces, our work processes, brand concepts and attributes, under the highest standards of safety, hygiene and well-being (…) our Stay safe with Meliá Program, certified by Bureau Veritas, responds to all of this "They reported.

In all this, the hotels of the brand in Cuba should be included, which of course have not stood idly by during this time. The chain's official account on the Island on Twitter left the following message for its next customers: “We have less left to have you with us! Meanwhile, our hotels continue to work to make your experience more beautiful and enjoyable. "

Also in a video shared by Meliá Cuba, its director Juan Pereira, showed the work they have been doing at the Meliá Cayo Coco in the last months of the island's health crisis. And that happens, that Meliá's action will be to provide much more that health security and Cuba must be prepared for it.

On May 10, the Spanish hotel chain celebrated 30 years of presence in Cuba. From Meliá they have the Caribbean and Cuba to recover from this world break in tourism.


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