How to book?
Booking with is very simple.
First of all, we will help you to find the perfect hotel to spend your holidays. Our customers have many options for that. The first and easier option is through the searcher of our web site. You have to write the name or part of the name of a hotel and then press "Search", after that, some results will appear in accordance with the the terms of your search.
Another way to select the hotel is writing the tourist destination that the customer would like to visit. After that, on the screen will appear all the hotels available in the tourist destination. Additionally, our Web Site gives the costumers informations about tourist attractions and places of interest to tourists. You can choose hotels close to places of specific interest.
When you choose the hotel(s) of your preference, you have to fill out a simple reservation form located at the bottom of the web page with the characteristics of the hotel. In the reservation form must be specified the date of your reservation, the provisions of meals or catering (Full Board or AP -breakfast, lunch and dinner-, Bed & Breakfast or CP, Half Board or MAP -breakfast and lunch or dinner and finally All Inclusive), kind of room you would like to book (single, double, standard, suite, junior suite, etc) and the quantity of people per room.
Your personal details and other necessary informations will be used only for us to be in contact with you and to send you your invoice in accordance with the services requested.
When you fill out the reservation form, our sales departament will advise you about availability of rooms in the hotel of your preference in no more than 24 hours. Having the confirmation of the hotel and being accepted all the details of the reservation, we will send you an e-mail to explain you the procedure to pay the invoice.
See the ways of payments in our website.
First of all, we will help you to find the perfect hotel to spend your holidays. Our customers have many options for that. The first and easier option is through the searcher of our web site. You have to write the name or part of the name of a hotel and then press "Search", after that, some results will appear in accordance with the the terms of your search.
Another way to select the hotel is writing the tourist destination that the customer would like to visit. After that, on the screen will appear all the hotels available in the tourist destination. Additionally, our Web Site gives the costumers informations about tourist attractions and places of interest to tourists. You can choose hotels close to places of specific interest.
When you choose the hotel(s) of your preference, you have to fill out a simple reservation form located at the bottom of the web page with the characteristics of the hotel. In the reservation form must be specified the date of your reservation, the provisions of meals or catering (Full Board or AP -breakfast, lunch and dinner-, Bed & Breakfast or CP, Half Board or MAP -breakfast and lunch or dinner and finally All Inclusive), kind of room you would like to book (single, double, standard, suite, junior suite, etc) and the quantity of people per room.
Your personal details and other necessary informations will be used only for us to be in contact with you and to send you your invoice in accordance with the services requested.
When you fill out the reservation form, our sales departament will advise you about availability of rooms in the hotel of your preference in no more than 24 hours. Having the confirmation of the hotel and being accepted all the details of the reservation, we will send you an e-mail to explain you the procedure to pay the invoice.
See the ways of payments in our website.