Money Exchange
Nowadays in Cuba are in circulation two kinds of currency, the Cuban Peso (CUP) and the Cuban Convertible Peso or "dollar" for Cubans (CUC). The exchange rate today is: 1 CUC = 24 CUP.
In Cuba, all the payments in the tourist centers are in CUC. You can obtain CUC in the Cuban establishments for currency exchange (CADECA), in the banks, in the airports or in the hotels. We always recommend to our visitors when they arrive in Cuba, to change part of their money into CUC, then, as time goes on, to change the other part.
In case you want to know the current exchange rate you can check the official web site of the Cuban Central Bank.
We recommend also to change part of the money into CUP, because there are many products like vegetables, fresh fruits among others that the tourists can buy in CUP in the markets.
Another way of getting money is through the cash dispenser. In Cuba are accepted credit cards like Visa, Mastercard and American Express, always with no connections to american banks.
Important: When you change USD (american dollar) into CUC, the Cuban government applies a special tax of 10%. That´s why we always recommend to travel to Cuba with Euros or other foreign currencies instead of USD, because of the taxes.
In Cuba, all the payments in the tourist centers are in CUC. You can obtain CUC in the Cuban establishments for currency exchange (CADECA), in the banks, in the airports or in the hotels. We always recommend to our visitors when they arrive in Cuba, to change part of their money into CUC, then, as time goes on, to change the other part.
In case you want to know the current exchange rate you can check the official web site of the Cuban Central Bank.
We recommend also to change part of the money into CUP, because there are many products like vegetables, fresh fruits among others that the tourists can buy in CUP in the markets.
Another way of getting money is through the cash dispenser. In Cuba are accepted credit cards like Visa, Mastercard and American Express, always with no connections to american banks.
Important: When you change USD (american dollar) into CUC, the Cuban government applies a special tax of 10%. That´s why we always recommend to travel to Cuba with Euros or other foreign currencies instead of USD, because of the taxes.