To date, Cuba has been visited by 53,748 cruise passengers during the first half of the year, representing 40,751 more passengers than in the same period last year, according to the Cuban Tourism Minister Manuel Marrero.
In this sense the opening of the first line cruise travel between the US and Cuba in more than fifty years is remarkable. Importantly, the peculiarity that many ships decided to establish Havana as home port for its operations in the Caribbean and the interest of the American company Royal Caribbean to begin its operations with 72 stops between Miami and Havana.
In this sense the opening of the first line cruise travel between the US and Cuba in more than fifty years is remarkable. Importantly, the peculiarity that many ships decided to establish Havana as home port for its operations in the Caribbean and the interest of the American company Royal Caribbean to begin its operations with 72 stops between Miami and Havana.
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