News about cuban tourism

Azeri TEZ Agency to increase tourism promotion in Cuba.

Azeri TEZ Agency to increase tourism promotion in Cuba.
The leadership of Azeri TEZ Tour Travel Agency, who works with Cuba, examined with Cuban Ambassador, Alfredo Nieves Portuondo, the promotion of Cuban tourism in this Caucasian nation.

As stated by Nieves Portuondo, Cuba will be attending the forthcoming International Trade Fair in Baku, which will be held from April 6th to 8th in order to publish its destination in the marketing network with local travel agencies and tour operators.

On the other hand, Jalala Mammadova, TEZ Tour director, stressed that regardless the distance, the Azeri market is quite important.

The director of the agency announced that her working team will support Cuba in its first participation at Baku Tourism Fair and will also organize along with the Cuban diplomatic mission a meeting with some professionals of this sector.


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